
Looking for do it yourself fencing advice? You’ve come to the right place! We offer both supply and installation, but if you feel like giving it a go yourself follow these simple steps to success.

Front Fence Ideas For Your Home

Your front fence is about more than just keeping your home and family safe. It’s also the first thing someone will see when walking by your house, meaning aesthetics and kerb appeal play a huge role too.

How to stop possums walking on fence

Are you woken in the night by the sound of scurrying claws along your fence? Does your dog start barking at the slightest indication there might be a tiny marsupial strolling through the yard? Are your hard-grown fruits and vegetables falling victim to visitors in the night? It sounds like you might be sharing your space with possums.

How Close Can A Shed Be To A Fence? Shed & Fence Laws By State

Ahhh … the shed. A quintessential outdoor Aussie construction where we store all manner of stuff that doesn’t belong (or won’t fit) anywhere else! In many households, it’s also a dwelling where the man and/or woman of the house (in their “man cave” or “she shed”, respectively) can retire to soak up some much-needed peace and quiet.

Can My Neighbour Put Up A Fence Without My Permission?

Your neighbour has suddenly let you know they want to build a new fence on your shared property boundary. Fair enough. Except you think the existing fence is fine, and they expect you to pay for half! Boundary fences are one of the major causes of property disputes between neighbours and can often cause problems way out of proportion to the actual issues. That’s why it’s important you know about the relevant laws, potential problems, and your rights and responsibilities when it comes to fencing.

How To Tell If You Have An Asbestos Fence

While we now know that asbestos is dangerous, it was heavily used throughout Australia from the 1930s, until it was gradually phased out in the 1980s, before a complete ban came into effect in 2003. Used in building materials including tiles, cement, and roofing shingles, it naturally also found its way into fencing products.

If you live in a house built during this time, you may be concerned about asbestos in your home and garden. To help, we’ll break down how to tell if you have an asbestos fence.

Disclaimer: we are not experts on asbestos fencing, however we have thoroughly researched this article and we believe the information to be correct. If you’re worried that you have an asbestos fence on your property, we strongly advise you to contact an asbestos professional to have it inspected and potentially removed.

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