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Fact: We love Fences here at Fence Corp. But delivering a fencing solution to your Brisbane home is something we love even more. Whether it’s garden, pool or aluminium fencing, Fence Corp is the name to remember for residential fencing in Brisbane and beyond. There are a few things about fences that many folks forget or haven’t thought about which we are delighted to share in our latest article.

1. Fences are not to be confused with walls. They are usually made from lighter materials and serve a different purpose.
2. In countries that receive lots of annual snow fall, fences are used to force snow to accumulate in a certain place, usually on hillsides to help prevent avalanches.
3. Electric fences are almost never lethal although during the second war lethal electric fences were used to stop prisoners of concentration camps from escaping. Lethal electric fences still exist on the border between North and South Korea.
4. Boundary fencing in Queensland cannot exceed more than 1.8 metres in height
5. Vinyl or synthetic fencing is commonly made from synthetic plastics with one of the most common applications being for side rails along racetracks in horse racing.
6. Hedge fencing and topiary fencing is one of the earliest forms of fencing ever recorded first used for enclosing land used for cereal crops.
7. Front fences come under the jurisdiction of local councils in regards to their specifications, while rear and side fencing is a civil matter
8. As you might expect, many premises by law are required to have appropriate fencing. These include military areas, zoos and industrial plants to name a few.
9. Marilyn Monroe was quoted as saying ‘A women’s dress should be like a barbed wire fence: serving it’s purpose without obstructing the view’
10. Australia’s ‘Rabbit Proof Fence’ was more than 3000 kilometres long stretching the entire length of Australia. Now that’s a lot of maintenance needed on that fence!
11. An alternative to building a fence in early times was to dig a deep ditch or trench and fill it with water (called a moat) that would keep attackers out.
12. A fence hidden in a ditch is called a Ha-ha – we kid you not.
13. Termites love wooden fences making them a fencing option that needs more maintenance when compared to aluminium and glass fencing.
14. There is a tiny town called Fence in Aurora County in Wisconsin, USA.

There you have fourteen fascinating (some more than others) facts about fencing. If you are sitting on the fence trying to decide what type of fence to build on your Brisbane property, give Fence Corp a call. We’re the fencing enthusiasts and we give advice on stylish, affordable and practical options for your home. Contact us today. (07) 3715 5055.